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BCM 110
The Assessment 1 blog outlines for BCM 110 are below.
Assessment Layout
The Layout of Assessment 1
Media Audiences
Describe a time when you were part of an audience
What were your reasons?
What was interesting or pleasurable about the experience?
Were there any negatives?
What was the most important thing you took away from the experience?
Representation and Interpretation
-Locate an example of a complex image (we suggest a still, or an advertisement)
-Discuss the denotation (what is there) and the connotation (what it means)
-Is it possible to read this image in more than one way?
Think about: the sign; the signifiers and signified; the denotation and connotation; the ideological positions available; the range of possible interpretations.
Don’t forget to include supporting evidence (research!).
Media Industries and Ownerships
Who ‘owns’ and/or ‘controls’ the media you use to access your ‘news’?
•Why does this matter? (or not)
-What trust do you have in your news sources?
•Don’t forget to include at least one academic source to support your ideas.

BCM 111
Global Media and Culture
the assessment layout
3 Blog posts
On your blogs this week, discuss the following:
• What popular culture do you consume?
• Explain its popularity using one of the key theories introduced this week.
• Don’t forget to include at least TWO academic sources (referenced: either hyperlinks or Harvard referencing) to support your ideas. The sources can be a combination of provided readings and your own research.
Eco-Friendly Design
We would not be who we are without our eco-friendly design, which is at the core of our strategy. We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our capabilities when it comes to design and production. Get in touch to learn more.
First-Rate Materials
We have strict standards when it comes to what we produce and never compromise on quality. This is especially true when it comes to the first-rate materials we use. Our customers deserve the highest level of products on the market, and we work tirelessly to maintain those standards.

BCM 112
The BCM 112 Assessment 1 Blog outlines
Rapid Protoyping
1) Project Pitch [required format]
Using the required format, you are expected to pitch your Digital Artefact idea as a video posted on YouTube (2 minutes). In addition, your pitch video should be posted on your blog and accompanied by a brief outline of your project (150 words). Your pitch should describe the concept (what you intend to do), methodology (how you intend to do it), and utility (why is this project relevant to users) of your Digital Artefact.
Where an artefact is developed by a group, each student will submit an individual assignment and blog post, however only one pitch video per group needs to be created.
2) Discord posts
On the subject Discord server, individually post updates relating to your Digital Artefact rapid prototyping. Post at least one post weekly (any day) during weeks 1-3, and one additional post during week 13 (any day) linking to your project pitch (4 posts total).
Digital Artefact Development
1) Discord posts
On the subject Discord server, individually post updates relating to your Digital Artefact or reflect on a subject topic. Post at least one post weekly (any day) during weeks 4-8 (excluding the mid-session recess) and one additional post during week 8 (any day) linking to your contextual report (6 posts total).
2) Contextual report I [required format]
Using the required format, on your individual blog, document and reflect on the experience of developing your Digital Artefact so far. Your report should identify key learning moments and analyse these moments using at least one subject topic (Internet Paradigm I: Networked Participation and Collective Intelligence) (500 words plus supporting materials such as images, screenshots etc).
Where a Digital Artefact is developed by a group, each student will submit an individual contextual report.
3) Network report I [required format]
Using the required format, posting publicly online in any form of your choosing, document the current operation of your Digital Artefact network. Your report should highlight the peer support and collaborative approaches occurring across your network, and should contextualise these approaches using at least one subject topic (Internet Paradigm I: Networked Participation and Collective Intelligence) (500 words + 50 words per Digital Artefact plus supporting materials such as images, screenshots etc).
Digital Artefact Iteration
1) Discord posts
On the subject Discord server, individually post updates relating to your Digital Artefact or reflect on a subject topic of the module. Post at least one post weekly (any day) during weeks 9-12, and one additional post during week 13 (any day) linking to your contextual report (5 posts total).
2) Contextual report II [required format]
Using the required format, on your individual blog, document and reflect on the experience of developing your Digital Artefact across the entire session. Your report should identify key learning moments and analyse these moments using at least two subject topics (Internet Paradigm I & II) (700 words). Where a Digital Artefact is developed by a group, each student will submit an individual contextual report.
3) Network report II [required format]
Using the required format, posting publicly online in any form of your choosing, document the current operation of your Digital Artefact network. Your report should highlight the peer support and collaborative approaches occurring across your network, and should contextualise these approaches using at least two subject topics of Internet Paradigm I & II (500 words + 50 words per Digital Artefact plus supporting materials such as images, screenshots etc).